

Page history last edited by Adriana Oberto 12 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to my PBworks Space!

About Me


Start From Here:

  • I have put together a collection of material I use to teach. Check out my Material page.


Need Help? I'm here for you:

  • Send me a message (adrianaoberto@alice.it) and tell me what you need, or ask to be added to PbWorks and then write a comment.
  • I'll be happy to add you as a user - all you have to do is ask! 


Check this out:



I have a story in mind. And the telling of it has been going on for a very long time... and it's not done yet. 

What I am really saying is that - years ago - I began writing a book. YES!! A real book! And it felt good... Having a story to tell, I mean. 

Then I somehow got stuck. But the story has not ended yet.


From today on I will post a chapter of my book on my blog every few days. You are welcome to read it and comment on it. Who knows? Maybe it'll get published one day... and then again maybe not. In the meantime, wish me good luck!!


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